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Pembe Mavi Eğlenceli Fotoğraf İçindekiler (1).png
Pembe Mavi Eğlenceli Fotoğraf İçindekiler (1).png




Applications should be sent to

  1. Please send your abstract to by e-mail by FEBRUARY 09, 2025.

  2. After your abstract is accepted by the referees, your acceptance letter will be sent to your e-mail within 3 days.

  3. The full text is not required. Participants who want to send full texts can send their full texts by e-mail to until FEBRUARY 16, 2025.



  1. Please send your abstract to by FEBRUARY 09, 2025.

  2. The acceptable word range for the abstract has been determined as 150 - 1.000 words in terms of compliance with international standards. A letter of acceptance or rejection of your abstract will be sent to you within 3 days after double-blind peer review.

    General rules for summary text:

    • Times new novel

    • 11pt

    • Name Surnames, Affiliates, E-mail addresses and Telephone numbers of all authors (will not be used in the original text)

    • At least 3 keywords

    • Use the APA method for bibliography. Click here for details.

  3. We recommend that you submit an informative summary, including the background of your study, its purpose, methodology, findings and conclusion of your study.

  4. Since 53% of our congress participants are foreigners, the quota of Turkish participants is limited. Therefore, we recommend that you submit your application as early as possible.

  5. The abstract will be subject to double-blind peer-review within 5 days after it is sent, and the International Scientific Committee of our congress will examine your article. The Conference President will chair the Board and the final decision on the abstracts will be taken.

  6. Acceptance or rejection of the article will be sent to you along with the referee comments. If the article needs to be revised, the revised document must be sent back within 3 days.


  1. If your abstract is accepted and you pay the congress registration fee, you must send your full text until  FEBRUARY 16, 2025.

  2. All full texts should be sent to

  3. Submission of high-quality articles describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, experimental and theoretical studies or research in all mentioned fields is accepted. Submitting an article means that it has not been considered for publication elsewhere.

  4. The entire article should be submitted as an MS Word document in .doc format (not PDF or .docx format) and should be named with the author's name and abstract title.

  5. If the article needs revision after it has been reviewed, you will be sent back with comments and asked to return the corrected article within one week.

  6. The submitting author is responsible for ensuring that the publication of the article is approved by all other co-authors and assumes responsibility for the article during peer-review.

  7. The publisher will not be held legally responsible for any compensation claim.

  8. Congresses Proceedings Book will be published on FEBRUARY 23, 2025..


  1. Papers and languages ​​are English and Turkish. Please send your papers prepared in one of these languages.


  • There is no fee for foreign participants


  1. Up to 4 presentations (poster or oral presentations)

  2. Conference Proceedings (with ISBN)

  3. Certificate of attendance for each author


Our congress will be held ONLINE via ZOOM. ZOOM details and congress program will be sent before the congress.

Attention Turkish Academics: For the decision of YÖK about online participation in congresses, click here.


  1. Your abstracts and full texts will be published in the Proceedings Book (ISBN) (All participants can benefit).

  2. International Book Section (Selected participants can benefit from it)

  3. Journal Article (Selected) participants can benefit from it)

  4. EXAMPLE: The research presented as a summary paper in the field of sports sciences is offered with a 20% discount, provided that it passes the publication process of the Sports Perspective: Sports and Educational Sciences journal.
    Journal Link:

    IMPORTANT NOTE: If the papers are selected as international/national book chapters or journal articles, an extra fee will be charged from the author.


STEP 1: Send the abstract text of your study to by FEBRUARY 09, 2025.

STEP 2: Sending an e-mail to you that your work has been evaluated by the referee.

STEP 3: Notifying the referee evaluation result within 72 hours (3 days) and sending your acceptance letter (if accepted).

STEP 4: Sending the congress program. (FEBRUARY 12, 2025.)

STEP 5: Sending the participation certificates. (FEBRUARY 15, 2025.)

STEP 6: Publishing the congress book. (FEBRUARY 23, 2025.)


An official invoice/receipt will be provided if participants request it on the day of the congress.



Congress Coordinator: Baha Ahmet YILMAZ 
Address: Hacıahmet Mh., Ateşparmak Sokak., ERİŞ Apt., No: 9/8, Beyoğlu, İstanbul.
Phone: +90 543 671 0123
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